Dive centers give their customers a promise of safe diving, but what does this safety promise include?
We want to open this up to our customers in the following text to better understand both the center’s and the customer’s responsibility for security.
Divers Alert Network (DAN) on julkaissut omat suosituksensa riskien hallinnassa ja niiden pienentämisessä koskien Covid-19 virusta. Toteutamme tätä ohjeistusta siltä osin kun se koskee toimintaamme.
The full instructions can be read here:
Muilta osin toteutamme PADIn, SSIn ja DANin antamia turvallisuusohjeistuksia kaikessa sukellustoiminnassamme.
Prior to diving activities, each diver completes the PADI, SSI or DAN medical questionnaire, standard safe diving practices statement of understanding, and liability release and assumption of risk agreement forms. The forms can be read in advance on request.
For a certified diver, the yes-answers in the medical questionnaire do not necessarily prevent diving, but are discussed on a case-by-case basis.
If the customer rents diving equipment from INTO Dive, each customer will be provided with designated equipment. The equipment is properly maintained and they are washed and disinfected whenever the user changes. It is the customer's responsibility to take proper care of the equipment when it is handed over to him.
We use Virkon S-disinfectant to wash and disinfect equipment.
Virkon S is a disinfectant detergent designed for hospital use, which can be used daily to prevent bacterial, virus and fungal infections.
The general guideline at this time is not to touch another person’s equipment.
It is therefore important for the diver to identify their own equipment and take care that they are in place.
Unnecessary touching must also be avoided with regard to your own equipment.
When attaching the regulator to the tank, the aim is to avoid contact with the outlet of the tank valve or the inlet of the first stage.
It is recommended that the customer has their own mask and snorkel. If the customer rents a mask and snorkel from INTO Dive, they can trust that they have been properly disinfected before use.
Jokaisella sukeltajalla on oltava käytössä sukellustietokone. Mikäli asiakkaalla ei ole omaa tietokonetta, se voi vuokrata käyttöön INTO Divelta. Tarvittaessa sukellustietokoneen käytöstä annetaan opastus ennen sukellusten aloittamista.
It is recommended that each diver have their own surface marker buoy and dive torch.
Both are always standard on our rental equipment. The use of a surface marker buoy is mandatory in Thailand whenever surfacing, as diver flags are not used here.
The dive torch acts as a visual signaling device in addition to bringing much more to see during the dive.
A predive safety check is performed before each dive to detect and correct any equipment and user errors before entering the water. According to DAN’s recommendations, the predive safety check is done visually, each diver checks their own equipment under the pair’s supervision, and the check is verified verbally.
It is also extremely important that the diver knows how to use his equipment properly. If necessary, we provide training and instructions on the use of equipment.
Before every dive, a dive plan is made together. The plan includes information on the dive site, conditions, dive time and depth limits, gas control, hand signals used and other possible communication methods and emergency procedures. Dive pairs are also arranged during the dive plan.
The dives are conducted within the limits allowed by the diver's training, skills and comfort range.
During the dive, each diver is responsible for their own actions so as not to cause danger to themselves, their dive buddy/buddies or other members of the diving team.
The dives will be accomplished according to plan.
We remind that every diver has the right to abort the dive at any point if they do not feel comfortable and safe. This is never questioned by others.
INTO Dive only uses dive boats that it has determined to be safe. First aid equipment and first aid oxygen are available on each boat. The boats have personnel trained in the use of first aid equipment.
The safety of the boat is primarily the responsibility of the boat's captain together with the boat's tour leader. They decide on possible changes to dive sites with safety in mind and act as leaders in emergencies.
After each dive, it is checked that all divers have come up out of the water. This is done using either the roster board or the Tour Leader’s personal records.
An emergency plan has been made for the beach dives, which can be seen before the start of the dive.
The plan provides operating instructions and necessary contacts in emergency situations.
Our instructors follow the standards of the training organization in all diving and training activities. The knowledge and skills requirements defined for the course are reviewed with the student.
It is the responsibility of the instructor to consider whether the student has the level of skills that training can be conducted safely or whether the student needs additional training in some skills.
For entry level courses, exercises are always done in the pool before moving on to the real diving environment.
So far, it has not been found that the viruses spread under the pool conditions. We monitor publications and act on guidelines issued by health authorities.
In entry level courses, the student is insured on behalf of the instructor or INTO Dive. For advanced courses, the student must have their own diving insurance. If necessary, the insurance can be bought out through INTO Dive. INTO Dive is a partner of DAN World and offers their insurance to its students and customers.
Safety does not come through mere instructions, but everyone must do their part to ensure that the instructions given are also followed.
It is the diver's responsibility to take care not to endanger themselves, their dive buddies or other members of the dive team with their own actions.
It is good for a diver to understand their own limits and to make sure that they are capable of diving both physically and mentally. When making a diving plan, it’s a good time to mention if You feel that the dive is beyond your comfort zone.
It is important to practice and maintain your own diving skills. If you feel that you want or need more practice or a review of your skills, it is a good idea to mention it to your dive guide, who will be happy to help you with this.
During the dive, buddy contact must be maintained, so that you can get in touch with the buddy with a few extra kicks, and follow the instructions defined in the dive plan. Sometimes it may seem annoying that the dive doesn’t go as you would have liked or it doesn’t last as long as you would have liked, but safety is still the thing that goes over everything else.
A dive plan is not safe if it is not followed.
So please, let's dive according to the instruction: “plan your dive and dive your plan”
Fin Cats Co., Ltd
TAT License 34/02541